Bergambar bersama Pengajar-pengajar kursus IKS dan pelatih iks Siri 2 dan 3/2008
Pelatih terbaik ialah En. Jamri Bin Tukiman (tengah) , Sijil Projek Berpotensi dari kanan En. Othman bin Nayan serta En. Subaher bin Hj. Zakaria
Sebagai pusat informasi setempat untuk pelatih kursus Pembangunan Keusahawanan Industri Kecil dan Sederhana (IKS)selama 6 bulan di PERHEBAT dan untuk mengumpul para usahawan bekas tentera dalam pelbagai bidang perniagaan dalam satu komuniti bersepadu. Semoga memberikan peluang yang luas kepada bakal pesara tentera mahu pun pesara tentera dalam menceburi bidang keusahawanan.Hubungi 03-61569412 samb. 1170
Ada orang berkata, untuk berniaga memerlukan modal. Ada orang lain pula berkata, untuk berniaga memerlukan rangkaian. Ada lagi orang berkata, untuk berniaga perlukan itu dan ini. Berniaga dikatakan memerlukan macam-macam perkara. Apabila semuanya sudah cukup, barulah boleh berniaga.
Lain orang lain pendapatnya, berdasarkan pengalaman mahupun apa yang didengar oleh orang lain. Apabila mendengar pendapat orang lain, timbul was-was yang boleh menyebabkan kita berfikir semula,
"Betul ker aku ni nak jadi usahawan …?!"
Tetapi disini, yang ingin diperbincangkan adalah bagaimana seseorang usahawan itu boleh berjaya dan terus-menerus berjaya dalam menjalani dunia perniagaan. Penulis pernah membaca di satu makalah, terdapat 3 pemilikan yang perlu ada bagi setiap individu perniagaan bagi meneruskan apa yang mereka mahukan iaitu berjaya sebagai usahawan.
pemilikan pertama : BIJAK
Ramai yang pakar dalam berniaga. Tetapi adakah boleh dikategorikan sebagai bijak? Ramai yang boleh membahaskan perkara berniaga ini dengan memberikan contoh orang lain yang sedang berjaya. Selalu kita mendengar kisah orang lain berjaya. Tetapi kita sendiri tak pernah berjaya.
Pakar dan bijak mungkin boleh dibezakan sepertimana contoh dengan seorang saintis yang pakar dalam bidang sains tetapi kadangkala tidak tahu untuk menukar tayar keretanya sendiri. Sebenarnya pakar tersebut faham cara untuk menukar tayar kereta, tetapi disebabkan tidak pernah ada pengalaman, maka jadilah dia seperti tak tahu langsung.
Kata-kata hikmah, "Raih pendapatan sehari RM300, RM1,000 .." dan bermacam lagi dijadikan kata motivasi untuk mempengaruhi diri kita supaya menjadi seperti idola yang dicanangkan.
Apabila berkata demikian, dengan meminjam perkataan-perkataan orang lain ini, kita kadangkala menjadi seperti seorang pakar dalam satu-satu bidang perniagaan. Semuanya kita tahu untuk menerangkan. Tetapi untuk menangkis soalan pertikaian pihak lain, kita pula yang terkedu-kedu.
Ini kerana, skrip untuk bercerita telah ditetapkan daripada awal. Cerita kejayaan orang lain dijadikan sandaran untuk kita jadikan sebab untuk kenapa kita tidak boleh berjaya seperti "orang lain" itu. Hasilnya, kita terima bulat-bulat tanpa memberikan masa untuk diri sendiri berfikir dengan sebaik mungkin.
Disebabkan ceteknya pengetahuan, boleh menyebabkan kita kurang bersedia untuk memberikan pemahaman kepada orang lain berkenaan apa yang kita ingin perniagakan dengan sebaik-mungkin. Hasilnya, rasa rendah diri dan lemah semangat berlaku apabila soalan ditanya bertalu-talu.
Tetapi, kalau kita bijak mengawal suasana, bagaimana pula keadaanya. Biasanya, orang yang bijak adalah orang yang telah melalui banyak pengalaman. Pengalaman yang baik dan yang teruk. Lain orang lain pengalamannya.
Dengan mengalami kepelbagaian pengalamanlah, kita dapat membaca rentak dan langkah pihak lawan. Kita sudah boleh bersedia dengan pelbagai kemungkinan.
Kalau menjadi pakar dalam bidang tertentu, kita hanya dapat menerangkan berkenaan satu bidang sahaja. Pakar dalam memasak tidak semestinya bijak dalam mencipta sesuatu jenis masakan yang baru. Pakar dalam kejuruteraan, tidak semestinya bijak dalam bidang kepimpinan.
Sebelum berniaga, seorang usahawan biasanya akan terlintas dalam fikirannya untuk memperniagakan sesuatu produk atau perkhidmatan. Idea timbul daripada buah fikiran dan selepas daripada itu, pelbagai soal dan jawab akan bermain dalam fikiran. Otak akan memainkan peranan setiap masa sehingga kebuntuan berlaku.
Apabila buntu, persoalan akan ditanya kepada rakan terdekat. Rakan akan memberikan maklumbalas samada positif atau negatif. Sekiranya mengikut sepertimana yang kita harapkan, maka sudah tentulah ia satu galakkan yang positif. Tetapi, sekiranya berlawanan dan tidak mengikut apa yang kita jangkakan, sudah tentu ianya negatif yang melemahkan semangat.
Sudah tentu, kita akan banyak berjumpa dengan ramai pakar tidak rasmi dalam bidangnya. Bukannya salah berbuat demikian, tetapi itulah situasi yang biasanya berlaku. Pakar ini akan menilai perancangan kita, sehingga kita timbul was-was "Betul ker aku ni nak jadi usahawan?"
Ketika inilah, semangat akan memainkan peranan. Jika kita bijak memainkan peranan, maklumbalas negatif akan dapat dibalas dengan sokongan yang boleh memuaskan hati. Untuk berniaga sememangnya memerlukan sokongan. Kalau tidak banyak pun, sekurang-kurangnya sokongan semangat pun sudah memadai.
Apabila sudah mengetahui bahawa kita mampu untuk melakukannya, sokongan akan menjadi satu bonus. Ini kerana orang yang bijak, akan menggunakan sebaik mungkin sokongan daripada pihak lain yang pakar dalam bidang masing-masing. Lagi banyak sokongan pakar, lebih baik pula hasilnya.
Sebagai contoh, katakan kita mahu membuka kedai kek. Sudah tentu, kita akan mendapatkan nasihat daripada yang pakar dalam pengubahsuian kedai, pakar dalam kerja-kerja masakan, pakar dalam khidmat nasihat pasaran dan bermacam-macam lagi pakar. Kita tidak boleh keseorangan dalam usaha menjadi usahawan.
Apa-apa hal pun, kebijaksanaan mengukur baju di badan sendiri perlu ada kerana apa yang terfikir memang semua boleh dibuat, tetapi berat mata memandang berat lagi bahu memikulnya.
Maka, sebagai seorang usahawan yang bijak, kebijaksanaan mendapatkan sokongan daripada ramai orang yang pakar juga adalah sebagai kaedah untuk mengurangkan beban yang dipikul oleh bahu yang semakin sakit.
Bersambung ..
Not exactly. Even in retirement, you’ll still want to get the most out of your day. Time management happens to be one of the most valuable skills with which you’ll leave the workforce in order have a successful retirement. If you haven’t mastered it yet, there are many benefits to getting started today.
Here’s why: The fear of no longer being needed, or the sense of not accomplishing anything can be stressful in retirement. To compensate, there may be a natural tendency to 'think' of a bunch of things you’d like to do. Without good time management skills, the majority of these things will never see the light of day. You’ll tend to procrastinate thinking that there’s tomorrow…until too many tasks build up and become overwhelming. This will inevitably lead to frustration, a sense of emptiness instead of accomplishment, and even missed appointments with friends and family.
However, your personal life in retirement can be as successful as your business life if you practice time management strategies. As such, it is highly beneficial to learn how to organize your day, how to schedule your time in order to accomplish more without feeling overwhelmed.
A daily or weekly ‘To-Do’ list is still as valuable in your retirement as it was in the office environment. The reason is you don’t want to trust your memory to keep track of things that should be committed to paper and ink. Further, your to-do list will always form a profile of tasks you need to keep track of in order to see where you’re spending the majority of your time.
Above all, you need to learn the importance of time. Although it may seem to be plentiful at first, it remains even more so a precious commodity. It is important to make your list and your schedule around your own concept of time.
Your mastery of this important skill will serve to put your own life in perspective as well as help you avoid the stress associated with the feeling of accomplishing little to nothing in retirement.
Notice you will not need much in terms of tools. Sophisticated software or bulky planners are not necessary. As long as your chosen tools work for you and you are comfortable using them, you’re all set. But at the bare minimum you should have:
•an activity log to track your activities (however frequently you wish to track them – daily or weekly)
•the habit of scheduling important events in your life (especially leisure time – because contrary to popular belief, all your time will not be leisure)and,
•a sense of your priorities so you can assign a time barrier to all the tasks you want to accomplish that are important to you.
Don’t forget to stay flexible. You’re no longer doing this to climb a corporate ladder or to prove your competence.
There’s no need to plan every minute of every day of your life. But at the same time be mindful that you are playing with the most precious of all commodities you’ve got left. Make it count.
These days, the average person changes their career seven to ten times within their life span. This means that the average person is going to send out several hundred copies of their resumes in their lifetime…and yes, they’re going to have to go through several interviews in their lifetime.
Scary, huh?
If the interview process makes you nervous, well, you’re not alone. But right now, it’s time to stop worrying. You’re about to learn the nine vital steps for interview success…how to pass any interview you face!
Step 1: Research the Company that you are being interviewed for:
It’s a pretty obvious trick: research the company you’re interviewing for and be prepared to show off what you know about them. Way too many people show up for an interview without having the first idea about what the particular company stands for. The truth is that you should know at least something about the company’s mission, its general business process, and its particular needs. Know how long the company has been in business and whether they’re financially sound and profitable. Research the company with a view to determine what you can do to help them achieve their goals. Be prepared to say specifically how your personal goals and experience are going to be valuable to the company.
Step 2: Know your resume:
In virtually any interview situation, you’re interviewer is going to ask you questions about your resume, about your experiences and even about the quirky stuff you’ve listed to pad it out. You should read your resume over and over, and know the details of it because you never know when you’re going to be asked about your chess playing experience or your interest in literature. Make sure there’s nothing detailed on your resume that you’re uncomfortable talking about.
Step 3: Dress for Success:
Appearance can become nine-tenths of the law if you don’t pay attention to it. For every interview, make sure you wear garments that are professional and appropriate the position that you’re seeking. Your clothes should be comfortable, clean, and pressed. Don’t create a crisis for yourself on the morning of the interview when it comes to your clothes. Pick out your outfit and make sure it’s ready the night before your big interview.
Step 4: Make sure that you wake up early and are on time:
Just as you shouldn’t let your wardrobe run you down on the big day, you shouldn’t let traffic or public transport delays upset you either. It’s also crucial that you don’t get lost on the way so have directions –and confirm them if you have to – well before you set off. These days, with MapQuest, you have no excuses. Make sure you leave the house early, and plan to be at the interview at least ten minutes early.
Step 5: Review interview questions:
Interviews may be pretty scary but they’re also pretty predictable. It doesn’t take much to predict the basic questions you’re going to be asked. Here are some examples:
Tell me about yourself?
Tell me about a time you failed miserably in your career?
What is your greatest strength/weakness?
Where do you see yourself five years from now?
What are your salary expectations for this position?
Why should we hire YOU?
Prepare sample answers to these questions. Memorize a couple of key responses. Remember that no matter who you’re interviewing for or with, if it’s a job interview, the basic focus is going to be on your experience, your goals, and your potential to contribute to the company. Be sure you can argue a case for yourself on these key points.
Step 6: Let the interviewer lead you:
The interviewer is the one running the interview but you can set the pace. Wait for the interviewer to ask the questions. Take your time to listen to the questions. Give your answers carefully; make sure they are considered. That said, each of your answers should be given with an energetic and enthusiastic voice. Above all, smile and enjoy the interview. Be courteous and always thank the interviewer at the end of the interview. Tell them that you’re well qualified for the job, and that you will prove it to them upon being hired. Don’t be afraid to be confident in yourself and your abilities.
Step 7: Ask for the next step:
The interviewer will ask most of the questions but you will have a chance to get a word in shortly. Find out what will happen next, and what you should expect after the interview. When should you be hearing from them about the job? When will the hiring decision be made?
Step 8: Send a thank you note:
Everything you do regarding your interview has consequences. Just as a good sales person follows up on a lead, after each interview you attend you should be sure to send a thank you note to the employer and the interviewer, thanking them for their time. Going the extra mile in this way will generally show that you’re qualified for the position, or at least that you’re a serious and diligent person.
Step 9: Follow-up:
Of course, sending a thank you note is something you do immediately after the interview. A reasonable period after, usually a week or two at least, you should take one further step to follow up. Call the company offices and ask if you can speak to the hiring manager who interviewed you. You can start the conversation by asking if they received your note. Then you can ask them if any decisions were made and, if not, approximately when you should call back or otherwise expect to hear from them. Don’t be pushy; above all, be polite and courteous, even if a response is not forthcoming.
If you are hired, remember that you need to stand up to your promises. You should always be putting 110% effort. An unspoken trick to get comfortable in interviews and to always get the job you want: in every job you accept, make yourself shine. Regardless of how much you are paid or how much responsibility and work you’re given, take the initiative to do more. The more you’re prepared to do for your job, the future each of your jobs will take you. Don’t worry about being rewarded, just keep working hard, and it will pay off. I guarantee it.